Friday 25 March 2011

ADHD is so much fun!!!! Not!!!!

Its been almost a month since I have posted anything and what a month its been. We have had lots of visits to the school, a fair few phone calls advising us of issues and we have had a couple of meetings too. Its been exhausting. I have reached the point where I feel that there is not much hope of ever having our son "settle" into school, every week there is a new issue or the same old ones that we just can't seem to overcome. His teacher has run out of ideas, strategies that work one day don't work the next. She has to give him several options as he doesn't conform to the one activity that everyone else is doing and basically she says she runs out of ideas.
At this week's parent/teacher interview she told me that she is exhausted, she often has to think on her feet because of how unpredictable he is, she struggles to understand some of his behaviours and reactions and often doesn't understand the cause of his reactions, moods and behaviours. She told me that she is starting to self doubt her abilities and sometimes feels like she is not qualified to deal with Blake. I know how she feels, I'm his mum and sometimes I feel the same way, it is very taxing and sometimes there is nothing that I can do to help his behaviour.
This month my husband and I have discussed, distance education or home schooling but we have come to the conclusion that if we went down that path, we would be very stressed in getting Blake to achieve what he needed to do as he would possibly feel as though not going to school meant he didn't have to do any work, the struggles that we would have would not be beneficial to the rest of the family, it would also impact on our work and our ability to meet other committments. So we persevere with schooling although a change of school may be on the cards in the near future.
Will hopefully have a calm weekend......hahahaha who am I trying to kid????