Sunday 20 February 2011

Introduction to my life

I'm a mum of four children, two of which have ADHD and ODD, my day consists of chaos, being the referee between all my children, being the counsellor to my teenager and my 7yo as they are constantly requiring my help in understanding their world and their perceptions. I have put some more information about my family in my profile, feel free to have a look.

My children's perceptions are often different to everyone elses and they are very focused on fairness and justice, this is typical of ADHD characteristics, their perception of fairness is often different to others and this can be hard to deal with as it sometimes mean that others have to make allowances or they may have to put themselves in my child's shoes to try and understand whats happening and this is difficult for another child to do. I'm mentally exhausted by the end of the day and sometimes when it is the end of the day (I mean literally at 11pm) I really dont have the energy and my carefactor is zero so when I'm still having to "counsel" one of my children at this time of night, it is very tempting to simply say "I can't talk to you about this right now, please go to bed" But of course if I do that - then it adds further frustration as it can lead to my child being resentful, hurt and feeling rejected which then leads to a verbal outburst about how EVERYONE hates them and doesn't care about them and no-one listens to them.

By the way being up dealing with my children at 11pm is nothing unusual for my household as both my children with ADHD have a sleeping difficulty which again is another characteristic of ADHD. They simply have a real struggle to "turn" their brain off and relax their body......I have tried all the methods out there, ones that work for other families, but they don't work for me.

My life is a fine balance between keeping the peace and keeping my sanity. Taking care of myself is something I have had to really reflect on in the last couple of months as my health has started to be affected by the emotional and mental load that I carry each day. Not to mention the physical workload that goes with being a mum of 4 but thankfully my husband is a wonderful support and helps to share the household workload of domestics.

Today is my first day of Blogging.....I really only wanted to do this Blog to share my experiences as they happen, I think it can be helpful for me to write down my experiences and it may be of interest to you. I would love to hear from you....

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